The Scholastic Network

Getting Started with Visual Communications

    1. Welcome

    2. Course Overview

    3. Self-Assessment: Capacity Matrix

    4. Copyright Notice

    1. Overview: Introduction to The Scholastic Network

    2. 1.1 Web Based

    3. 1.2 Decentralized

    4. 1.3 Post-Secondary Access

    5. Module 1 Quiz

    1. Overview: Getting Started

    2. 2.1 Logging In and Managing Your Account

    3. 2.2 Dashboard Overview

    4. 2.3 Understanding Screens

    5. 2.4 Adding More Users

    6. 2.5 Creating a Branded Left Tile

    7. 2.6 Adding a Twitter Feed

    8. Module 2 Quiz

    1. Overview: Visual Communication Content

    2. 3.1 Different Types of Content

    3. 3.2 Uploading Content

    4. 3.3 Creating Content

    5. 3.4 Content Library

    6. 3.5 Managing Content

    7. Module 3 Quiz

    1. Overview: Content Features

    2. 4.1 Alerts

    3. 4.2 Live Feeds

    4. 4.3 Announcements

    5. 4.4 Breaks Timer

    6. Module 4 Quiz

    1. Getting Started Course Survey

About this course

  • 31 lessons

Start creating powerful Visual Communications with The Scholastic Network.